The SASSA Grant-In-Aid is a social grant provided by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to give financial assistance to people with disabilities who require full-time care at home. This article provides a comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about the SASSA Grant-In-Aid in 2025 from eligibility criteria, required documents, and step-by-step application process to payment methods, grant balance checks, and more.
Check SASSA Grant-In Aid Status Online 2025
To check your SASSA Grant-In-Aid status online in 2025:
- Visit the
- Use the free Moya App.
- SMS your ID number to 082-046-8553.
- Contact SASSA on WhatsApp at 082-046-8553.
- Call the toll-free helpline at 0800-601011.
What is the SASSA Grant-In-Aid?
The SASSA Grant-In-Aid is an additional grant for South Africans who already receive the Disability Grant, Older Person’s Grant, or War Veteran’s Grant from SASSA. It aids recipients who require full-time care at home due to their inability to care for themselves because of a severe mental or physical disability.
As of October 2024, the Grant-In-Aid provides R530 per month to help cover the costs of caregiving.
Eligibility Criteria for SASSA Grant-In-Aid
To qualify for the SASSA Grant-In-Aid in 2025, you must:
- Already be receiving the Disability Grant, Older Person’s Grant or War Veteran’s Grant
- Require full-time care at home due to your inability to care for yourself independently because of a severe mental or physical disability
- Have a valid medical assessment report less than 3 months old confirming your disability and need for full-time care
- Not already be receiving care in a state institution
- Pass the means test
SASSA Grant-In-Aid Amount
As of 1 October 2024, the SASSA Grant-In-Aid monthly amount is R530. This amount will increase by R10 to R540 per month from 1 April 2025 onwards.
Grant-In-Aid Application Procedure
You can apply for the SASSA Grant-In-Aid by:
- Visiting your nearest SASSA office to collect the application form
- Applying online through the SASSA services website
At the SASSA office:
- Collect the application form
- Complete it in front of a SASSA officer
- Submit it along with your medical assessment report
- Get your fingerprints taken
- Receive a dated stamp receipt
If you’re unable to visit the offices yourself, a trusted family member or friend can apply on your behalf with:
- A letter from you
- Doctor’s note explaining why you can’t apply yourself
Required Documents
When applying, take these documents to SASSA:
- Green barcoded ID
- Valid medical assessment report (less than 3 months old)
- Marital status documentation
- SASSA Grant-In-Aid affidavit (completed and signed)
Application Processing Time
It takes up to 3 months to process SASSA Grant-In-Aid applications. If approved, payments will be backdated to the date you applied.
Ways to Check SASSA Grant-In-Aid Application Status
You can check your grant-in-aid application status through:
- SASSA website or you can Visit their Official Website at
- Moya app (using free data)
- SMS to 082 046 8553
- WhatsApp 082 046 8553
- SASSA toll-free number 0800 601 011
If Your Application is Unsuccessful
If your application is declined but you disagree with the decision, you can:
- Request SASSA to reconsider your application
- If that fails, appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days
The Ministry will review and reverse SASSA’s initial decision if they rule in your favor.
SASSA Grant-In-Aid Payment Methods
Once approved, you can receive payments via:
- Direct deposit into your bank or Postbank account
- Cash withdrawals from Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Checkers etc.
- Specific institutions like old age homes
To update your payment method, visit your welfare office and fill out the relevant form.
Ways to Check SASSA Grant-In-Aid Balance
After getting approved, check your remaining balance by:
- USSD code: *120*3210# or *120*69277#
- Any ATM (bank fees may apply)
- WhatsApp: 082 046 8553
- Call center: 0800 601 011
SASSA Grant-In-Aid Reviews
SASSA conducts grant reviews to verify if:
- You still meet the financial means test
- Your circumstances have changed
- You’re still alive (for Older Person’s & War Veteran’s Grants)
They’ll send a written notice 3 months before your review deadline. Submit any required documents on time to avoid suspension.
Reasons for SASSA Grant-In-Aid Suspension
Your grant may be suspended if:
- Your circumstances change
- You provide false information
- You don’t cooperate during reviews
- You were approved by mistake
- Review outcomes warrant it
Appealing Suspended Grants
If you disagree with the suspension, appeal to the Ministry of Social Development within 90 days.
When the Grant-In-Aid Lapses?
Your grant will lapse if:
- You pass away
- You can’t confirm you’re alive
- You don’t collect payments for 3+ months
- You’re admitted to a state institution
- You leave the country for over 90 days
- You no longer require full-time care
Grant Recipient Responsibilities
You must:
- Inform SASSA of any changes to your circumstances
- Update your personal details if they change
- Provide accurate information always
- Never commit grant fraud
Contact SASSA for More Information
Reach SASSA via:
- Toll-free number: 0800 60 10 11
- Head office: 012 400 2322
- Email: [email protected]
- Nearest SASSA office
We hope this guide gives you all the details you need to successfully apply for the SASSA Grant-In-Aid in 2025. Make sure you check your application status online or via mobile to track its progress. And contact SASSA if you have any other questions.

I’m Anele Zulu, a South African social worker dedicated to serving my country’s most vulnerable. With my degree and field expertise, I empower underprivileged communities through compassionate support and tireless advocacy on this website. My goal is simplifying access to services so families can uplift themselves
- 1 Check SASSA Grant-In Aid Status Online 2025
- 2 What is the SASSA Grant-In-Aid?
- 3 Eligibility Criteria for SASSA Grant-In-Aid
- 4 SASSA Grant-In-Aid Amount
- 5 Ways to Check SASSA Grant-In-Aid Application Status
- 6 Ways to Check SASSA Grant-In-Aid Balance
- 7 SASSA Grant-In-Aid Reviews
- 8 Reasons for SASSA Grant-In-Aid Suspension
- 9 Appealing Suspended Grants
- 10 When the Grant-In-Aid Lapses?
- 11 Grant Recipient Responsibilities
- 12 Contact SASSA for More Information